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Timeline of key events in Galactic history during the Old Republic Era.

Great Galactic War

28 BTC 3681 BBY

The Sith Empire emerges from the Unknown Regions and attacks the Galactic Republic, beginning the Great Galactic War. Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach dies defending Korriban's orbital security station after his apprentice, Satele Shan, escapes at his behest.

Battle of Dathomir

~10 BTC ~3,663 BBY

Roughly a decade before the Sacking of Coruscant, the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire engaged in battle on Dathomir.1 Casualties included a small community of Zabrak who had emigrated from Iridonia and made the harsh planet their home some decades prior. Survivors were brought to Coruscant by Republic forces and many of the children were orphaned. Among them was a young Darth Nox.

Sacking of Coruscant

0 TC 3,653 BBY

The sacking of Coruscant devastates the Republic, and a tenuous peace treaty is signed. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is destroyed. The Great Galactic War comes to an end, and the Cold War begins. Republic and Jedi forces withdraw from battlefields across the galaxy. Worlds once allied with the Republic were left defenseless, and were quickly absorbed by the Sith Empire. Coruscant was placed under rule of the Sith Empire for a short time.

Rediscovery of Tython

2 ATC 3,651 BBY

Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan rediscovers the Jedi Order's lost homeworld of Tython and ascends as leader of the Jedi High Council. Kira Carsen flees from Dromund Kaas.

Jedi Temple

3 ATC 3,650 BBY

The Jedi Order relocates to Tython and constructs a new Jedi Temple. Andronikos Revel begins his career as a pirate.

Imperial Unrest

10 ATC 3,643 BBY

The Imperial Reclamation Service hires mercenary Ja-Nu Sifr to steal an ancient artifact from the Empire itself. Ja-Nu aids Darth Nox's ascension to a seat with the Dark Council after defeating Darth Thanaton and his forces. Civil unrest eases within the Sith Empire. The Jedi Order works closely with Republic forces to mitigate Imperial oppression across the galaxy.

Collapse of Peace

11 ATC 3,642 BBY

The Cold War ends. Republic and Imperial forces disrupt each other's operations across several systems.
The Battle of Balmorra sees the Republic victorious.
Quesh War: Imperial forces attempt to disrupt Republic operations. Ongoing.
Battle of the Foundry: Champions of the Empire secure the Foundry.
Battle of Hoth: Republic, Imperial and Pirate Confederate forces fight for control of the Star Ship Graveyard.

The Nova Blades fight to maintain control of Raider's Cove on Rishi in the Outer Rim, far removed from the conflicts of the Core worlds.
An unlikely band of mercenaries, pirates, and defected Jedi interfere with the Nova Blade's plans while "vacationing" on a casino barge known as the "Crystal Maze".