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Nyando Catrissian


Nyando Catrissian, also known as Nyan, was a Farghul Jedi Padawan who strayed from the Jedi Order during the Cold War.

At a young age, Bounty Hunters rescued her from an early life of contraband smuggling in the slums of Jahhnu — a criminal haven on her home planet — even though she seemed to be having fun sneaking around the busy streets. They handed her over to Jedi Master Sen Shar when they encountered him on Coruscant. He took her in as his own and trained her as a Jedi Guardian.

Since surviving and escaping the sacking of Coruscant alongside her master, and since she had grown quite disillusioned due to the failings of the Jedi, she left the order some time during 9 ATC to travel and soul-search. Despite her imminent Jedi trials, Master Shar deemed this the "Will of the Force". He wished her well on her travels, but remained on Tython to continue aiding the Jedi Order, training padawan learners.

Towards the end of 10 ATC, Nyan was travelling the Outer Rim Territories when she stumbled across the planet Rishi, home to the a pirate haven Raider's Cove. There, she found work as an entertainer aboard Biff Blungo's Crystal Maze, a casino barge of indulgence that toured the Western Jungle Expanse and the coasts of Rishi's main settlements. Paid in large quantities of shrimp, and a healthy helping of "thirsty" patrons, she'd found somewhere comfortable to let loose from her more reserved upbringing as a Jedi.