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Factions, Corporations, and Organizations


Galactic Republic

Democratic alliance of planets and mega-corporations.

The Galactic Republic, also known as the Grand Republic or simply as the Republic, was a democratic union of sovereign star systems spread across light-years of space.

An alliance of planets and mega-corporations that value democracy, justice and freedom, the Galactic Republic has stood for over twenty thousand years. Ruled by a Senate comprised of delegates from all its member worlds and overseen by a Senate-appointed Supreme Chancellor, the Republic struggles to restore its former greatness in the wake of the Sith Empire’s invasion decades ago. Having emerged victorious in numerous conflicts in the past with the aid of its protectors in the Jedi Order, the Republic has no intention of allowing the Empire to consume the entire galaxy.1

After its capital world of Coruscant was sacked by the Empire, the Republic was forced to sign a painful peace treaty, losing control of many outlying worlds. While the Empire consolidates its power, the Republic and the Jedi hurry to rebuild and prepare for the next conflict sure to come.

Jedi Order

Peacekeeping Light-side Force users that support the Galactic Republic.

The Jedi Order, also known as the Holy Order of the Jedi Knights, simply known as the Jedi, are a peacekeeping monastic spiritual organization and order comprised of light side Force-users; who are dedicated to protecting the Galactic Republic.2

The Jedi have been the noble peacekeepers and diplomats for the Galactic Republic for 22,000 years. While law-abiding citizens look to the Jedi with respect and inspiration, the Galactic Republic's enemies regard the Jedi with suspicion, fear and anger.

The success of the Sith Empire's military campaign during the Great Galactic War saw the deaths of thousands of Jedi. During the Sacking of Coruscant, six Jedi Masters of the Jedi High Council were killed and in the time since, the Sith have started their own recruitment campaign to seek out Force-sensitive children around the galaxy.

These catastrophes have damaged the Galactic Republic's faith in it's legendary protectors, but they are far from defeated. Overwhelmed yet fearless, the Jedi have returned to their ancient homeworld of Tython, recommitting to their timeless principles and looking to the future, hoping to restore balance to the Force, and peace and justice to the galaxy.

Sith Empire

Imperial fascists led by violently competitive dark side Force-users and their supporters.

The Sith Empire is a force of dominance, an authoritarian state forged from militarism, slavery, and the dark side of the Force. United under a single Emperor and his Dark Council, ruled by the Force-sensitive members of the Sith Order and supported by countless loyal citizens, the Empire forsakes the freedoms offered by the Republic in favor of strength and order. Aiming to take revenge on the Republic for its exile centuries ago, the Sith Empire will stop at nothing to become the greatest power in the galaxy.3

Although an uneasy truce has settled over the galaxy, the Empire does not sit idle. From its capital of Dromund Kaas, Imperial leadership exerts total control over the worlds it has conquered, rebuilding its forces to once again march on the Republic.

Sith Order

Ruthless, power hungry, dark side Force-users that lead the Sith Empire.

The Sith Order, also known as the Order of the Sith Lords, and simply known as the Sith, are a sect of Force-sensitives devoted to the dark side of the Force, dedicated in their pursuit of absolute power and the destruction of their ancient foes, the Jedi Order.10

Work in progress

Dark Council

The Dark Council was the unicameral governing body of the reconstituted Sith Empire in the form of a twelve-member council that served as the ruling body throughout much of the Empire's history. Each member of the Council held the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and controlled one of the twelve Spheres of Influence within the Empire, making the Council the most powerful individuals in the Empire below the Sith Emperor himself.11

Seats on the Council were hotly contested among the Sith, with the tenures of some Councilors lasting only months while others lasted decades, and every individual within the Empire ultimately answered to one member of the Council through the Imperial hierarchy of power bases.

Work in progress


Proud, territorial warrior/mercenary culture. Own a small sector of the galaxy.

An interspecies warrior culture stretching back thousands of years, the Mandalorians live for one purpose: to challenge the greatest opponents in combat and claim victory, for honor and glory. The best are proud fighters driven by a noble code, while the worst are bloodthirsty killers always looking for the next battle.4

While many act as independent mercenaries, the Mandalorians are divided into clans each answering to their own leader. From time to time in history, a single leader of all clans appears and is called "Mandalore." Each new leader of the Mandalorians takes the name and mask of Mandalore and determines whether the clans will scatter or unite against a great foe. Initiates can be born into Mandalorian society or inducted from outside; either way, new Mandalorians face harsh trials as they prove themselves worthy and learn the secrets of Mandalorian weapons and armor.

The Mandalorians have been loosely allied with the Sith Empire since the Empire's return to the galaxy and played an instrumental role in the Sacking of Coruscant. Though not Imperial subjects, the Mandalorians have an enclave in the Citadel on Dromund Kaas. Their relationship with the Empire is sometimes strained, but the alliance offers one undeniable advantage: ample opportunity to face the galaxy’s greatest warriors, the Jedi.


Czerka Corporation

Enormous arms manufacturer focused on war profiteering.

Work in progress

Tax'shar Incorporated

Private corporation that handles intergalactic tax disputes for all of Tiss'sharl.

Work in progress

Jura Siq'park, a requisition manager at Tax'shar Incorporated, is hunting Peanuts Sifr for tax crimes committed on their homeworld.

Criminal Organizations

Black Sun

Mercenary syndicate with a base of operations on Coruscant

Black Sun is a powerful crime syndicate that rose to prominence on Coruscant in the latter days of the war. Taking advantage of the chaos and rioting in the city after the planet’s sacking, several gangsters joined forces and began seizing control of lower-city neighborhoods.5

The origin of the syndicate’s name is unclear, but a common phrase among despairing Coruscant citizens was "better a black sun than none." Alas, hopes that Black Sun would bring order instead of anarchy died quickly. For Black Sun, the rioting and looting never really stopped. Although the gangsters have profitable spice- and weapons-trafficking operations, their members, almost to a man, have an extraordinary taste for violence. Civilians are extorted until they have nothing left to extort; afterwards, they’re used for target practice. City blocks are incinerated for the pleasure of demolitionists.

Despite the efforts of the Justicars' Brigade, Black Sun has become a force to be reckoned with. The Republic Senate has begun to realize the threat Black Sun represents, but with the syndicate’s influence already beginning to stretch beyond Coruscant, stopping it may be impossible.


Technically-competent network of gangs that rival the Hutt Cartel.

One of the galaxy’s most prominent crime syndicates, the Exchange is the sleek, tech-savvy competitor to the Hutt Cartel. Where the Hutt Cartel has a clear, centralized authority in Hutt Space, the Exchange is a distributed network of gangs coordinated via the HoloNet; where the Hutt Cartel favors galactic neutrality, the Exchange sees the Empire as an untapped resource ready to bleed credits and the Republic as a living shield protecting its gangsters from Imperial retaliation.6

Three centuries ago, the Exchange was arguably the most influential criminal organization in the Republic. However, an internal power struggle to claim the territory of the infamous Davik Kang after his death left the Exchange in disarray, allowing the Hutt Cartel to seize control over many of its operations. It took many decades before the “new breed” of Exchange criminals arose, and the current syndicate is a different animal than the old.

Active in slicing, extortion, spice dealing and weapons running, the Exchange is rapidly reclaiming lost territory, taking advantage of riots, gang wars and other acts of blatant violence to gain ground even on Hutt worlds like Nar Shaddaa. But the Empire is swiftly becoming a greater adversary than the Hutts–the Exchange wants to be the first crime syndicate to make solid inroads into Imperial space and is willing to kill whoever it takes to get there.

Hutt Cartel

Big, greedy, wealthy slugs and their footsoldiers that own an entire sector of the galaxy.

Officially, the Hutt Cartel is a business alliance between several different Hutt clans, working together towards the common goals of wealth and prosperity. Between its members, the Hutt Cartel controls vast resources, countless credits and many independent worlds–not least among them Hutta, their adopted homeworld, and Nar Shaddaa, the crown jewel of the underworld. Although the Hutts have no formal government, the Hutt Cartel acts as a loose governing body on these worlds and others.7

Unofficially, the Hutt Cartel is a ruthless crime syndicate whose goals are not always so united. Turf wars and clan infighting have often left the Cartel in splintered uproar. Personal grudges and cutthroat competition can result in two rival clans warring in the streets one day and feasting together the next.While historically the Hutt Cartel has remained neutral in galactic affairs, both the Republic and the Empire have made recent attempts to secure the Hutts’ loyalty. It remains to be seen what the outcome of these attempts will be–and what effect the Hutt Cartel will have on the galaxy at large.

Slimy Buds Boing Boing Cartel (SB3C)

A Hutt family centred around treasure hunting, theft, and niche territorial control. Enjoyers of licking and jumping.

Led by Thicc'ky the Hutt as a kajidic of the Hutt Cartel, the Slimy Buds Boing Boing Cartel (SB3C) is a crime gang that reaches throughout Hutt space, as well as other sectors of the Outer Rim and the Unknown Regions. They are known for primarily employing the amphibious species of the galaxy, and have a propensity for those with the ability to "bounce", in every sense of the word. The SB3C often reject the ideals of the Hutt Cartel's governing body, and believe that true wealth and prosperity stems from sliminess, bounciness, and a lot of treasure.

One esteemed member of the cartel, known to most as The Slimy Scourge, reports directly to Thicc'ky the Hutt and leads the cartel's treasure hunting efforts, as well as governing their territorial security.

Shadow Syndicate

Work in progress

Nova Blades

The Nova Blades were a gang of pirates that were based on the planet Rishi in the decades before the Galactic War. Originally a loose conglomerate of pirate crews that shared resources, the Blades eventually joined together and began to collaborate tactically, extensively preying on the galaxy's major hyperspace lanes — to the point where many corporations established a line item known as the "Blade Tax" to account for the expected losses due to the Blades' attacks. The corvette Aggressor was a major part of the Blades' forces, but when the Blades attempted to reach the Rishi Maze dwarf galaxy over a century before the Galactic War, the Aggressor crashed on Rishi, where Ralen Margok spearheaded an effort to turn the wreck into a headquarters.8

During the Cold War, the Nova Blades maintained oppressive control over the pirate haven Raider's Cove and its trade of exonium. Led by Ralen Margok's descendant, Dael Margok, they terrorized the pirate citizens of Raider's Cove that didn't submit to their authority.

Pirate Confederation

The Pirate Confederation was an organization that existed during the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During that time, they sought candidates who were willing to test a proposed smuggling route through the Deep Core.9